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A useful tool that can serve as an inflation hedge, silver is the most widely used precious metal in history and has been mined for thousands of years. Historically used as currency, silver shares many of the “safe haven” characteristics of gold.

This “Silver Products Overview” lesson will teach you:

  • The important role that silver plays across numerous manufacturing industries as an excellent electrical conductor
  • The advantages of silver contract trading, which is available nearly 24 hours a day, six days a week
  • How silver can help traders leverage significant margin efficiencies while gaining exposure to this liquid market
  • Why the technology industry and the overall economy often impacts the price of silver

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Nulla ornare rhoncus erat et laoreet. Suspendisse pellentesque leo augue, nec consequat libero aliquam ac. Donec a metus turpis. Ut aliquet risus at nunc sollicitudin suscipit.

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Nulla ornare rhoncus erat et laoreet. Suspendisse pellentesque leo augue, nec consequat libero aliquam ac. Donec a metus turpis. Ut aliquet risus at nunc sollicitudin suscipit.