Familiarize yourself with today’s vast global crude oil market in this Introduction to Crude Oil course. Explore the fundamentals of modern energy markets, which can have a significant impact on many of the world’s leading economies.
CME Group’s comprehensive course will explain crude oil futures and options of North America and beyond, diving into the concepts of supply and demand, price movements, exposure, precision timing, using flexibility to mitigate short-term market volatility, and more.
Learn the following concepts:
How the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) can be used as a global benchmark
WTI product overview and how it works
The importance of crude oil in the United States
Commodity storage basics and fundamentals
Introduction to the European crude oil market
Futures vs. ETFs in crude oil: Advantages and disadvantages
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Nulla ornare rhoncus erat et laoreet. Suspendisse pellentesque leo augue, nec consequat libero aliquam ac. Donec a metus turpis. Ut aliquet risus at nunc sollicitudin suscipit.
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